Monday, April 4, 2011

Eva's 1st Birthday Teddy Bear Picnic Afternoon Tea - The Decos

It was such a horribly grey, overcast day and, as we held the party inside, all the photos are dark and fuzzy or washed out from the flash. (I desperately need a new camera).
This post I'll just put up photos of the decorations and the theme. Next post I'll put up pics of everyone having fun.

The goodie bags and it's filling. I had tennis balls to match the colour theme but when I opened them they had that horrible plastic smell and I thought better of putting them in with all the food.

 The adult thank-yous were blocks of chocolate wrapped in foil and labels that I designed from some digital scrap paper I found on the internet. Same as the label for the goodie bags.

Some of the food.... didn't get a photo of the food table all laid out. It all got a bit hectic at the eleventh hour.

The food labels and cupcake toppers I made out of a variation of the digital scrap paper, as were the water bottle labels below.

I decided not to do balloons or streamers. We did tissue paper pom poms instead and a few fresh flowers.
Grandma made a bunting that matches Eva's play tent. (That Grandma slaved over for her birthday and then I decided not to put up in case sticky mitts got to it). Grandma also made a green check 'picnic' blanket which was pointless using in the end as there was soft toys everywhere and food being dragged from one end of the house to the other.

We also had a signature bear for everyone to sign as a momento.

And of course the birthday cake which Eva decided to kick when I put it down in front of her. I guess that's what she thinks of Mummy's baking!

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