Blog History

The Family Nemo blog started back in 2004 on the old MSN Spaces. It started out just containing posts about Baker Bob's antics and life in general. As life changed so did the blog focus, documenting our infertility struggle and eventually a twin pregnancy. When the boys were born in 2009 the blog moved over to Blogspot to start this new chapter of our lives.
Family Nemo has had a lot of major changes happen since. There was the surprise birth of our little girl, and a massive move to the other side of the state. I returned to school to study a Bachelor of Business in Event Management.
This blog has evolved and changed with us and while I still like to blog about the everyday of trying my 3 VIPs to be kind, well adjusted people as well as all the fabulous party inspiration or recipes I come across, we recently discovered the travel bug.

We love to travel and while this has been limited to Australia thanks to finances, I have discovered that we are very good at juicing our road trips for everything they are worth.
So come and join us on our travels, whether it be wading through the 'everyday' of  motherhood, juggling studying and the HTE industry or the whirlwind that is the Family Nemo travelling circus.

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